Ann West

Ann West, Superintendent

Welcome back for the 2023-2024 school year!

The mission of Marion County Schools is “changing children’s lives.” Education is the hope for our students to prepare to be productive members of society. From the time a child enters Kindergarten until the time they graduate from high school, they are learning the basics of reading and math. Over the years, they build on these basics and graduate ready for a career, college, or skills-based training. The goal of our teachers and administrators is to change a child’s life by teaching them what they need to prepare for the future. We live in a country that gives everyone the chance to make their dreams come true through a free public education. There are no limits for those who are willing to work hard to attain their goals.

Be sure to download our mobile app, which is connected to both MCBE and our school’s websites, so you can stay informed on what is happening at each of our schools and what is being served each day in the lunchroom! Using the PowerSchool app, you can regularly check your child’s grades and attendance.

Please familiarize yourselves with both the local school and system-wide information. All of our policies are available on our website, but each individual school will have additional policies, rules, and guidelines that are specific to the needs of that school. Any questions or concerns not addressed here should be directed to your local school administrator or to the Marion County Board of Education.

It is an honor to have the opportunity to serve in this capacity, and I look forward to working with you as we all work together to do what is best for our children.