Principal's Message

Gary McCarley, Principal
Hamilton Elementary School Parents, Families, and Community Members:
Welcome to Hamilton Elementary School’s Website. I am excited and honored to be the principal at such a great school. We have an outstanding teaching and support staff, and students that are absolutely awesome!
The faculty and staff at Hamilton Elementary School work tirelessly everyday to provide a high-quality education for our students. They work to support each student’s academic, social, and emotional well-being. We believe in lots of student engagement at our school, as evidenced by our continued focus on a structured, tiered-learning environment with minimal wasted time.
At Hamilton Elementary School, we believe all students can learn, just not the same way and at the same pace. In order to reach the maximum potential for all of our students, it takes the faculty and staff working in close collaboration with the parents and families. We are blessed at Hamilton Elementary School to have outstanding parents and families that work continuously for what is best for their children.
Please do not hesitate to contact the school at any time with any questions or concerns.
Go Aggies!