Updated MCBOE Cell phone policy
The Marion County Board of Education and its employees are not responsible for personal electronic devices brought to school by students.
Cell phones and other electronic communication devices (including watches that connect to the internet or cell phones) are to be OFF and OUT OF SIGHT during the school day and when being transported to and from school on school buses.
Cell phones and personal communication devices should be stored in a secure location, such as a vehicle, pocket, purse, locker, backpack, etc.
Students participating in extracurricular activities and athletic events must follow the rules of the coach or sponsor involving cell phone use after school hours or on activity bus trips.
1st Offense-Phone/device will be confiscated for the remainder of the day.
2nd Offense- Phone/device will be confiscated for the remainder of the day. Parent/Guardian will be notified and required to pick up phone. Student will receive a warning.
3rd Offense- Phone/device will be confiscated for the remainder of the day. Parent/Guardian will be notified and required to pick up phone. Student will receive one day of ISS.
4th Offense-Phone/device will be confiscated for the remainder of the day. Parent/Guardian will be notified and required to pick up phone. Student will receive three days of ISS.
5th Offense-
Marion County Schools' 2022-2023 Calendar
Coach Aldridge is requesting 7th graders purchase notebooks for civics/geography class.
A few updates from MCHS as the start of school approaches:
Open House will be August 4 from 5-7pm
During open house 7th grade/New Student orientation will begin at 5:30 in the all purpose room.
Students can purchase parking decals and lockers at open house.
MCHS will provide binders and paper for all students. They can be picked up at open house.
The first day for students is August 9.
Important Free and Reduced Meals Info for School Year 2022-2023
Congratulations to these schools for their participation in the Alabama College Application Campaign during Alabama College Application Week!
Students, if you applied for a Bevill CTE scholarship for the fall, please check your email for award letters. Those need to be filled out and emailed/returned back to Bevill as soon as you can! Please call or email Mrs. Hawkins if you have questions.
There are no phones and internet at MCHS this morning.
Summer school students should report tomorrow.
Seniors, please see the information below regarding your upcoming senior portraits with Bill Miller Photography. You will be receiving a postcard in the mail with your date and time.
Thank you Guin First Baptist for your donation to MCHS. We appreciate your support of our school.
#communitypartner #raiderpride
From our Marion County 4-H:
Join us for some FUN 4-H Summer Day Camps! Just call us at (205)921-3551 to register. Space is limited on June 29th and July 1st. 🍀 If any high schoolers need ‘volunteer hours’ just call us-we always need helpers for day camps.
Take a moment on this day to recognize and honor those who lost their lives fighting for our freedom. May we never forget their ultimate sacrifice.
If you haven't already, please download our new app! It's everything Marion County Schools - in your pocket!
Please follow the link below to access these resources:
Reminder: TOMORROW is the LAST DAY of school! Students will dismiss at 12:00 p.m. We wish you all a safe, restful, and fun summer break!
Important Message concerning Free and Reduced Lunch. See Image Below
Please visit the following website for information concerning summer feeding programs in your area.
All Alabama k-12 students and parents can use these fun learning resources this summer to help prevent the "summer slide." See the official Alabama Summer Learning Challenge webpage at:
The band concert and the athletic banquet will be streamed on NFHS today.
The band concert will start at 1:30 and the athletic banquet will start at 6.
The athletic banquet will be tomorrow night at 6pm in the gym.