Parents please send relief materials for hurricane victims. We will take them to be sorted Friday morning. Please help our students for a good cause.
4 months ago, Seth Seaborn
relief supplies
Pre-ACT test is tomorrow 10-2-24 for all 10th graders.
4 months ago, Alana Hawkins
Flu Shots!
4 months ago, Seth Seaborn
flu shot
2nd 9 weeks Virtual applications are due Friday for any student wanting to go virtual. Applications can be found on
4 months ago, Seth Seaborn
Fall Sports/Band Pictures available for purchase at Use code MCOSPORTS25 to view gallery and purchase.
5 months ago, Seth Seaborn
-All Marion County schools will be open tomorrow, Friday, September 13th. -Student tickets for football $5 -Student tickets for Saturday volleyball $2 -Hat Day $1
5 months ago, Seth Seaborn
We have received updated information this evening concerning Hurricane Francine. In order to make sure that we keep our students safe, all Marion County Schools will be closed tomorrow. Please stay safe!
5 months ago, Marion County Board of Education
school closed
Progress reports went home today.
5 months ago, Seth Seaborn
Blood drive at MCHS on 9/11. 9-2:30. Guest welcome, sign in through the office.
5 months ago, Seth Seaborn
All Marion County Schools will be closed for Labor Day on Monday, September 2nd, 2024. Enjoy your long weekend and stay safe!
5 months ago, Marion County Board of Education
Labor Day - No School
Click the link below to sign up for our emergency alerts. The first and second contact for each student is automatically signed up. If you are the first or second contact, you do not need to complete this form. Anyone else who would like to receive calls, texts, and other notifications will need to complete this form no later than September 11, 2024.
5 months ago, MCBE
Hat day on Fridays $1 Special Snack on Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 9:30 and 2:10.
6 months ago, Seth Seaborn
REMINDER: We are happy to announce for the 2024-2025 school year: FREE LUNCH AND BREAKFAST FOR ALL STUDENTS! NO CHARGE! No free or reduced applications will be needed from parents this school year. No action is required by parents for students to eat free. Please note the first complete meal is free, however extra plates or items must be purchased. All visiting children, adults, and employees will be required to pay for meals. is still available for anyone that wishes to add money to his or her child(ren)'s accounts. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
6 months ago, Marion County Board of Education
Parents with athletes please login on complete athletic paperwork. Update your child's drug test form. Also, 7th grade athletes and parents need to join athletics remind. Text @mcathlete2 to the number 81010
6 months ago, Seth Seaborn
School will resume for Marion County students on Wednesday, August 7th, and motorists will be sharing the road with school buses once again. Please allow additional time in your daily commute to accommodate more traffic, including buses, on the roadways. Our Transportation Department operates with our children’s safety as its number one priority. Please help them keep our children safe by keeping a watchful eye for school buses and being mindful of the law which pertains to them.
6 months ago, Marion County Board of Education
Bus Safety
Bus Safety
Bus Safety
Bus Safety
Schedules for Volleyball and Football.
6 months ago, Seth Seaborn
varsity football
jr high football
Open house 8/5 5-7. Orientation 6:30 Supply List: 3 ring binder, loose leaf paper, pencil. Lockers $10 a piece, top and bottom $20. Parking $20 must have copy of drivers license and insurance. Ag Fee $25
7 months ago, Seth Seaborn
We are happy to announce for the 2024-2025 school year: FREE LUNCH AND BREAKFAST FOR ALL STUDENTS! NO CHARGE! NO free or reduced applications will be needed from parents this school year. No action is required by parents for students to eat free. Please note the first complete meal is free, however extra plates or items must be purchased. All visiting children, adults, and employees will be required to pay for meals. is still available for anyone that wishes to add money to his or her child(ren)'s accounts. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
7 months ago, Marion County Board of Education
Summer School Registration/ Credit Advancement registration is today and tomorrow 8-11 in the office.
8 months ago, Seth Seaborn
Due to threat of rain, we will be having our graduation ceremony in J. Shelton Akers Gymnasium at 7:30.
9 months ago, Seth Seaborn