We appreciate our Principals and the jobs they do! Brilliant School - Dr. Kim Davis Guin Elem. - Mr. Josh Weatherly MCHS - Mr. Seth Seaborn Hackleburg Elem. - Mrs. Mary Kennedy Hackleburg High - Mr. Trey George Hamilton Elem. - Mr. Gary McCarley Hamilton Middle - Mr. Norman Ballard Hamilton High - Mr. David Cantrell Phillips Elem. - Mrs. Nancy Hallman Phillips High - Dr. Al Temple MCAS Administrator - Dr. Patrick Sutton
over 1 year ago, Marion County Board of Education
National Principals Month
PreACT testing Wednesday October 18 for ALL 10th graders!
over 1 year ago, Kim Davis
ALABAMA STUDENTS APPLYING TO COLLEGE THIS WEEK WITH NO FEES! Follow this link for more information: https://files.constantcontact.com/ecd88bf2801/0f66023f-76f1-4667-9a60-68b55c373454.pdf
over 1 year ago, Marion County Board of Education
Free College App Week
There will be no school for students on Monday, October 16, 2023. This day has been set aside for Parent Teacher Conferences, Student Data/Parent Night, and Professional Development.
over 1 year ago, Kim Davis
over 1 year ago, Marion County Board of Education
Parent School Communication Week
Dress Up Days For Red Ribbon!!!
over 1 year ago, Kim Davis
Red Ribbon Week
Watch for more information coming soon!
over 1 year ago, Marion County Board of Education
Parent School Communication Week
In addition to homecoming activities, we will be honoring Pitt Hopkins Awareness day on Monday. Students and faculty are encouraged to wear something blue with their pajamas on Monday.
over 1 year ago, Kim Davis
HOCO Activities
Congratulations to the Band. The Band will travel to Troy University on September 23rd for their annual band day. The band will perform at halftime with the Sound of the South Marching band along with other high school bands from throughout the Southeastern United States as Troy takes on Western Kentucky in Veterans Memorial Stadium.
over 1 year ago, Kim Davis
BHS Band
Enjoy your long weekend and stay safe!
over 1 year ago, Marion County Board of Education
Labor Day
September has officially been designated as School Attendance Awareness Month 2023. During this special event in our state and nation, real emphasis is being placed on building greater student engagement, public awareness, and family support for school attendance efforts.
over 1 year ago, Marion County Board of Education
School Attendance Awareness Month
A Message from Superintendent Ann West: Due to the excessive heat forecast for the next few days, please help your child avoid dehydration by having them drink plenty of water.
over 1 year ago, Marion County Board of Education
Stay Hydrated
💉Flu shots will be available to all Marion County students (except those with PEEHIP BCBS) on September 12th. Consent forms will be sent home soon. Please return them to your school nurse if you would like for your student to receive the flu vaccine. 💉
over 1 year ago, Marion County Board of Education
Flu Shots
Sign-up to give blood!!
over 1 year ago, Kim Davis
Blood Drive
We are looking for substitute bus drivers!
over 1 year ago, Marion County Board of Education
Substitute Bus Drivers Needed
Great news for the coming school year!!! Marion County Schools will participate in the Community Eligibility Program. The CEP program is a PILOT program for the 23-24 school year that allows all enrolled students to eat breakfast and lunch at no cost! CEP is based on the overall economic status of our regional area. NO free or reduced applications will be needed from parents this school year. No action is required by parents for students to eat free. Please note the first complete meal is free, however extra plates or items must be purchased. All visiting children, adults, and employees will be required to pay for meals. www.paypams.com is still available for anyone that wishes to add money to his or her child(ren)'s accounts. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
over 1 year ago, Marion County Board of Education
Free Breakfast and Lunch
Here are a few tips to get you back into a school routine!
over 1 year ago, Marion County Board of Education
School Routine Tips
School will resume for Marion County students tomorrow, August 9th, and motorists will be sharing the road with school buses once again. Please allow additional time in your daily commute to accommodate more traffic, including buses, on the roadways. Our Transportation Department operates with our children’s safety as its number one priority. Please help them keep our children safe by keeping a watchful eye for school buses and being mindful of the law which pertains to them.
over 1 year ago, Marion County Board of Education
Bus Safety
Bus Safety
Bus Safety
Just a reminder that all students entering 6th grade are required to have an up-to-date immunization record on file. Sixth grade students will need the TDaP booster. Please call your physician, health department, or pharmacy for assistance.
over 1 year ago, Marion County Board of Education
Booster shots
Campus clean up day this SATURDAY JULY 29th. Please come out to help get our campus looking good before we start the new school year off. We encourage parents, students, and community members to come and help. We will start at 8:00am. Bring mowers, weed eaters, blowers, pressure washers, and cleaning supplies. Go Big Blue!
over 1 year ago, Kim Davis